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강사의 전체 스케줄을 보려면 로그인하세요. 지금 계정을 등록하면 1 회 무료 레슨을 받을 수 있습니다!

I have over eight years experience in the hospitality industry dealing with people of different cultures. I thrive on customer satisfaction and I have strong initiative and organizational skills combined with my ability to work well under pressure. In addition, I am action oriented and as such will utilized my skills to impart my knowledge with my students and becoming an immediate team player in your organization.

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  • Simon star5

    She was ok enough to talk and exchange the subject of the class.

  • Noah Jeonstar1

    she seem like very angry

  • Stellastar3

    She is ok...

  • Jennastar1

    평점이 많아 기대했는데, 대화를 이어나가려는 의지가 전혀 없습니다. 그냥 한 두마디 던지고 대답은 듣지도 않고, 피드백도 전혀 주지 않습니다. 대화내내 따분해하고 빨리 끝내고 싶어하는 게 보여서 정말 별로 였습니다. 이게 돈 내고 하는 수업인지 이 분이 자원봉사로 시간내줘서 하는지 헷갈릴 정도였는데요.^^ 정말 시간 아까우니 듣지 마세요.

  • Diegostar3

    She has been expressionless with redundant gestures during the class. She seems a little tired and she didn't even post useful feedback. She just posted meaningless feedback. Yes I know she has a long-term career here and better English speaker than us. We are here to learn English. Don't treat me like an English speaker. We don't speak well that's why we are here. hope you see your mirror or a recording video so that you can realize how you teach. hope you correct your lesson way.

나이 47
학교University of the West Indies, Mona
취미Reading and watching criminal dramas
좋아하는 영화Shawshank Redemption