2 개의 후기I have a bachelor's degree in Computer Science and work as an IT Project Manager in an International company. Last summer, I taught English and fell in love with the experience of sharing knowledge and impacting other people's lives. I can continue to influence lives here and help you improve your English!
- Lorelei
선생님 진짜 좋으십니다!! 꼭 예약하세요!!
- 4cc64a67-dbe6-5b56-aa84-6e226f1d4d47
선생님이 너무 친절하고 얘기도 잘 들어주시고, 수업이 즐거워서 너무 좋았어요 ^^
국가 | 키르기스스탄 |
나이 | 23 |
성별 | 남성 |
학교 | Ala - Too International University |
취미 | Reading detective stories, Swimming, Cooking, Learning German Language |
좋아하는 영화 | Catch me if you can |