0 개의 후기I have taught E.S.L. for over (7) years in more than one country to students from the age of 4 to 40. (In schools and online.) I am interested in foreign travel and have visited over 43 different countries. I enjoy learning about cultures in various countries of the world. My hobbies include SCUBA Diving, Caving, Cycling, and Hiking. I have a friendly method of teaching and can make learning fun.
해당 선생님에 대한 평가가 없습니다.
국가 | 영국 |
나이 | 59 |
성별 | 남성 |
학교 | Normansal Prep School. |
취미 | Reading, travel, Cycling, Caving, Scuba Diving. |
좋아하는 영화 | Heat |