0 개의 후기I have a Bachelor's Degree in Tourism, Hotel & Restaurant Management. My hobbies include watching movies or TV shows, playing Sims Freeplay, cooking and doing some arts and crafts. I did my college job training at various hotels, restaurants and travel agency in Cebu City and Tacloban City. After working in the hospitality industry, I worked in the BPO industry for a number of years. I became an ESL tutor because I am passionate about teaching and enjoy sharing my knowledge.
해당 선생님에 대한 평가가 없습니다.
국가 | 필리핀 |
나이 | 32 |
성별 | 여성 |
학교 | Leyte Normal University |
취미 | Reading Sci-Fi books, watching TV shows, cooking, arts and crafts |
좋아하는 영화 | The Da Vinci Code |