4 개의 후기I have several years of teaching experience. I am skilled in implementing specific individual assessments in lesson planning and various learning methodologies. I have traveled the world and lived in many countries.
- welcome Yoon
ALEX is very kind and cool teacher
- welcome Yoon
teaching master ALEX is so cool and kind, smart, well informed thank you very much
- Sunny
He's a good teacher. I had a great time with him. I hope you can see you next time.
- Jason Kim
수업준비가 좀 안되어있는분 같습니다
국가 | 미국 |
나이 | 52 |
성별 | 남성 |
학교 | Georgia State University |
취미 | Write hip hop song and beat, video games, movies |
좋아하는 영화 | Marvel Movies |