4 개의 후기I have a Bachelor's Degree in Secondary Education, majoring in English. Aside from teaching from 2019-2022, I also handled the school paper publication for many years, for writing is my passion. My hobbies are reading books, writing poems, watching movies, and making handmade products (DIY projects). I enjoy teaching the language, and that pushed me to be an ESL teacher.
- 6191a80d-a7ed-42d0-952f-6784de5ced21
She is super Kind! If I have chance, I wanna have lesson with her again!
- Lucia
She is really kind! I love her class.
- ella
She is very kind at me! she enjoy the lesson happily. That's why I am happy when I have a lesson with she! I hope you enjoy play Guitar!
- Siha
It was fun to talking to you. :) Take care!
국가 | 필리핀 |
나이 | 28 |
성별 | 여성 |
학교 | PHINMA- University of Pangasinan |
취미 | Reading books, writing poems and watching movies |
좋아하는 영화 | Harry Potter |