(Jason) Teacher profile


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    추천 강사:
    - 수업 취소율 1% 미만
    - 한 달에 최소 80회 수업 시행

14 개의 후기

강사의 전체 스케줄을 보려면 로그인하세요. 지금 계정을 등록하면 1 회 무료 레슨을 받을 수 있습니다!

Hi. My name is Jason. I was born and raised in England and I am therefore a native English speaker. I run a web design agency and enjoy cooking, football and photography in my spare time. I have gained my TEFL qualification to allow me to teach English online and have now got more than 3 years of teaching experience. In my class, we can have a lesson based upon your needs as a student. Maybe you have a job interview coming up soon and need extra practice. In this scenario, we could use role-play. Maybe you need to pass your IELTS exam. Here we could go through some questions together and I could provide valuable feedback. Maybe you need to brush up on your business English because you have a meeting or presentation at work. Or maybe you just want to have an interesting and varied conversation with a native English speaker. I think it is essential for your language growth to vary the conversation topics so that you can be prepared for any situation you may find yourself in in the future. I have hundreds of topics that you can choose from to make each lesson fun and challenging or you can suggest your own. I like to make my lessons flexible to the students' needs. I am kind and patient and will try to encourage your language development in a positive way. We will work at your pace and make the lessons as enjoyable as possible. In conclusion, I am here to help you improve your spoken English skills. You will improve pronunciation, intonation and learn valuable new vocabulary. So book your lesson with me today and we can discuss your needs and build a plan to help you achieve your English-speaking dreams.

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  • bradstar5

    He is very nice & perfect

  • skybluelch@komir.or.krstar5

    Best Teacher ever

  • Jun Seostar5

    I can recommend he is very nice teacher! I really enjoyed talking with you. See you soon again Jason.

  • Jaystar5

    그는 수업을 잘 이끌어주고 학생의 질문에 성의를 갖고 답해줍니다.

  • coolju02@sk.comstar5

    매우 좋았습니다

나이 49
학교John Ferneley College
취미Cooking, photography, playing the guitar and current affairs.
좋아하는 영화Any movie based upon a true story.