4 개의 후기Hello! I am Mary. I have a Bachelor's degree major in Literature and English. I am very passionate and enthusiastic. I have been an ESL teacher for several years now. Before finding my passion in the ESL industry, I was a customer service specialist in the BPO world for many years. I really love my job as an ESL teacher. I love imparting knowledge to my students through fruitful and fun learning. I love reading books and articles during my free time.
- Lee
Tutor Mary~ I really appreciate your efforts to let me know other expressions of what I had talked in the class by paraphrasing it. It's a real honor that I had you as my teacher today. Thank you again!!
- Korean
아이들의 말을 들어주세요 리뷰 적은 분 공감되네요. 3년 정도 가르치셨다고 하지만, 좀 경직되어 있고 진도 빼시는데 강박이 약간 있으신거 같아요. 교제 놓고 수업은 무난할듯 하나 자유회화는 좀 무리가 있지 않을까 싶어요.
- Lee gaeun
친절하시고 칭찬을 굉장히 많이 해주십니다.
- Elsa
아이들의 말을 들어주세요. 들은 척도 안하고 진도만 나가면 아이들이 상처를 받습니다.
국가 | |
나이 | 43 |
성별 | 여성 |
학교 | University of the Cordilleras |
취미 | reading books |
좋아하는 영화 | 50 1st Dates, Star Wars series |