(Emily) Teacher profile


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    추천 강사:
    - 수업 취소율 1% 미만
    - 한 달에 최소 80회 수업 시행

45 개의 후기

강사의 전체 스케줄을 보려면 로그인하세요. 지금 계정을 등록하면 1 회 무료 레슨을 받을 수 있습니다!

Hi, I am Emily. I hold qualifications in both TEFL and TESOL and gained an 'A' grade in both on my first attempt. I have been raised in an environment where both my paternal grandparents and my father worked as teachers of English and it has unsurprisingly developed a passion for teaching myself! For the last several years I have specialised in working with children of primary school age. During this time I have developed a teaching style based upon creating a very relaxed learning environment, reducing the feelings of pressure and anxiety that so often reduce a student's capacity to concentrate fully on what they are learning. Happy learners are successful learners! As your tutor, I will help you learn English to the highest standard, using methods that will be adapted to your own learning style and that will benefit you in every aspect of your life- you will be happy!

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    1년만에 처음하는 수업이라 걱정됬는데 친절하게 대화를 잘 이끌어주셔서 잘 따라갈 수 있었어요!

  • ykimstar5

    She is a very kind and friendly teacher.

  • dongkyu1.jeongstar5

    She is a really nice teacher! and so lovely!

  • Duhyeonstar5

    Emily's feedback is very detailed and thorough. It's very helpful for studying English.

  • Duhyeonstar5

    Emily's class is always beneficial. I'm looking forward to the next class.

나이 24
학교Leeds Interserve Learning and Employment
취미Travel, food, languages, motorcycling, music, art and reading!
좋아하는 영화Now you see me (1 and 2) - very clever movies with a great twist !