2 개의 후기I am a cat lover. My hobbies are singing and playing guitar; watching different movies especially Disney movies and reading books. I also love to learn different languages. I am a graduate of education and an experienced ESL Teacher. I love being an ESL Teacher because, for me, it's a rewarding career. My passion is to inspire and to bring encouragement and I found the fulfillment of that passion in teaching. It's really priceless when I see my students learn from me and that I can contribute to their development.
- Barney
She replied to my questions with kindness
- Jay
Wonderful teacher!
국가 | 필리핀 |
나이 | 27 |
성별 | 여성 |
학교 | Polytechnic University of the Philippines (Alfonso) |
취미 | Singing, playing guitar, reading books and watching movies |
좋아하는 영화 | Disney movies |