(Kevin M) Teacher profile

Kevin M

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강사의 전체 스케줄을 보려면 로그인하세요. 지금 계정을 등록하면 1 회 무료 레슨을 받을 수 있습니다!

I was born in Edinburgh in Scotland. Prior to teaching English, I worked for an oil and gas company for over 20 years, living and working in a few countries, but primarily Kazakhstan and Russia as a data and information manager. I decided to move to Spain with my wife for a new adventure and have been teaching English here for a number of years. I also work as an ESL teacher with Berlitz and UIMP. I am currently studying for my B2 Spanish CELU exam and last year started a bachelor's degree in Applied Psychology with the IU in Berlin on a distance learning basis.

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  • Hannastar5

    so nice and I lost track of time

  • Heidistar5

    처음 해봤는데 다양한 표현들 많이 알려주시고 너무 유익했어요~!

  • christinestar5

    Thanks you so much, Kevin for your kind feedback and the correction my sentence during the session. What you corrected me was something that I really want to know because I want to learn the way how the native speakers speaking. Looking forward to having another chance to meet you soon.

  • yuristar5

    수업을 정말 열심히 해주세요 노련함이 있으시더라구요 :) 첫 수업에 영국발음은 처음이였는데 조금 적응하기 힘들었는데 나긋나긋 친절히 잘 이끌어주셔서 좋았어요~!

  • Hyunstar5

    너무 좋아서 다시 수강 할꺼예요

나이 50
학교Beath High School
취미Jazz music, I have a large collection of vinyl records
좋아하는 영화Blade Runner