(Kevin) Teacher profile

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강사의 전체 스케줄을 보려면 로그인하세요. 지금 계정을 등록하면 1 회 무료 레슨을 받을 수 있습니다!

I have a Master of Science in Computing and Information Systems, a Higher Diploma in Education, and a Bachelor of Arts in English and Mathematics. I also possess a certificate in TESOL and TEYL. I began my teaching career in Ireland in 1990 where I taught English literature and mathematics to secondary school students. In 2002 I decided to go to Taiwan where I spent fourteen years teaching ESL to students in elementary and junior high school. While I was there, I won a number of awards for my teaching such as the "Most Creative Teacher" in 2009 while I was teaching in an international school in Tainan, Taiwan. My hobbies are playing and coaching soccer, running, cycling, and going to the beach with my family and our two dogs. Recently, I started raising chicken for eggs.

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  • drs2207star5

    선생님 재미있었어요. 아주 쿨하시고 유쾌하신 선생님 입니다

  • coolju02@sk.comstar5

    너무 좋았습니다

  • ccabi@sk.comstar5

    It was great talk! He is so nice and he can teach english very easily to me.

  • Bostar5

    잘못된 표현은 바로 채팅창에 적어주시는 점이 좋았습니다

  • YP Leestar5

    It reminds me of great memory in Ireland. Friendly teacher and nice conversation.

나이 58
학교University of Ireland, UCD
취미Playing and coaching soccer
좋아하는 영화Shawshank Redemption