0 개의 후기I have been teaching English for many years now. I love engaging with students in different levels. Since I was in high school I already wanted to become an educator for I love interacting with people. I also love to connect with the nature more than spending my time in the city. I enjoy watching the mountains, beach and sunset/sunrise. I love reading books as well. I'm into fiction books. They are my paradise whenever I want to escape from the world.
해당 선생님에 대한 평가가 없습니다.
국가 | 필리핀 |
나이 | 30 |
성별 | 여성 |
학교 | Cebu Normal University |
취미 | Trekking, camping, going to the beach and reading books |
좋아하는 영화 | Midnight Sun |