(Caroline) Teacher profile


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14 개의 후기

강사의 전체 스케줄을 보려면 로그인하세요. 지금 계정을 등록하면 1 회 무료 레슨을 받을 수 있습니다!

My name is Caroline and I was born and raised in the UK. My career background is in Business Strategy & development; Advertising & Media. I have worked freelance with many brands to establish structure and brand awareness. I use every opportunity I have to travel the world and explore new cultures as well as meet new people. My list of countries is forever growing. I have visited 12 countries so far, some of which I have revisited more than once. It is hard to describe who I am but I can say that I am extremely sociable, friendly and I always have a positive outlook. I love having conversations with people wherever I go about life, exercise, food, books, and anything they like. I enjoy helping people of all ages and I can't wait to have a chat with you.

star 4.96
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  • Su Astar5

    정말 친절하시고 리액션을 잘해주세요! 차분한데 밝으십니다! 수업내내 질문도 많이 해주셔서 좋았어요!

  • Chloestar5

    말이 끊기지 않게 계속 질문해주시고 공감이나 칭찬 위로 같은 것도 너무 진심으로 해주셔서 좋았어요! 너무 재밌는 시간 잘 보냈습니당

  • Minjistar5

    친절하고 얘기를 잘 들어주고 매우 만족했습니다.

  • 21000030@hankookn.comstar5

    Nice Teacher

  • 90fdefb6-1d77-512d-b7fe-2ecdb2177d9cstar5

    She is best teacher♡

나이 36
학교University of The Arts London
취미Travelling, fashion, reading, exploring food, exercise, singing/music, business strategy
좋아하는 영화Love and Basketball