(Kimone) Teacher profile

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강사의 전체 스케줄을 보려면 로그인하세요. 지금 계정을 등록하면 1 회 무료 레슨을 받을 수 있습니다!

I have an MBA from Baruch College and an undergraduate background in Science. During my college days, I often tutored English, Essay Writing and Mathematics. I also come from a family of educators so I like to think that I have the teaching gene. There are several things I love to do including reading, writing, traveling and learning about different cultures. I published my first children's book in 2019 and I'm very motivated to publish more books. I currently have several drafts that I'm working on and hope to publish soon.

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  • Kim Seon-astar1

    If you feel sick, how about taking a rest instead of lessons? Actually you ruined my valuable time, 25 min. When I saw you in the beginning of the lesson, you already looked so bored and tired. You were never interested in my talking, and yawned many times. So I had to stop to ask you you look tired and sleepy....Please do your best in your job.

  • Irenestar1

    아이가 선생님의 불친절함에 이선생님과 수업 다시는 안하고싶다고 했습니다.

  • Rockystar5

    Thank you.

  • Rockystar5

    Very good!!!!!

  • Rockystar5

    통신 상태외에는 좋았습니다.

나이 40
학교Baruch College Zicklin School of Business
취미Reading, Writing, Meeting new people, learning about different cultures, watching Netflix
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