5 개의 후기Hi there! I’m Lisa, an online tutor from the Philippines. I’m passionate about helping students improve their English in all areas. When I'm not tutoring, I love exploring music and books, which I believe are great ways to improve language skills. Let’s team up to reach your goals! Book a lesson and let’s get started!
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너무 친절하고 편안하게 알려주셨습니다.
친절하시고, 말잘 못하면 기다려주시는 선생님 이세요 감사합니다!
- Loois
She is very kind teacher.
- Emily
It's hard and funny. Thank you.
- Ella
선생님이 수업을 제대로 안해요
국가 | 필리핀 |
나이 | 28 |
성별 | 여성 |
학교 | Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges |
취미 | Reading books, watching movies and listening to music and podcasts |
좋아하는 영화 | Spirited Away |