(Simon) Teacher profile

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강사의 전체 스케줄을 보려면 로그인하세요. 지금 계정을 등록하면 1 회 무료 레슨을 받을 수 있습니다!

I am from Toronto, Canada and I am now living in Chiang Mai, Thailand. I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, majoring in film. I also obtained a Master’s Degree in Cultural Studies. I recently completed a 120-hour TEFL course and obtained a TEFL certificate, in addition to a 30-hour online teaching course. I worked as a technician/demonstrator in the film department at a university, where my job was teaching students on the use of film and video equipment. Furthermore, I have experience organizing and teaching video production courses in primary and secondary schools as well as adults. My interests include yoga, sports, reading and films. I like watching films from all over the world, including the USA, Europe, Asia, and South America.

star 4.94
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  • noh.youngwoo@aiv.aistar5

    so nice teacher !

  • Park Kunbaestar5

    Always good and informative!

  • Park Kunbaestar5

    He is absolutely the best teacher I have ever had in Engoo. We discussed many random topics and hot issues in the world. He is insightful and gives me more chances to speak. So I always have fun with the class.

  • jiyongengstar5

    gave me some guidlines, kind

  • seongsiklee@sk.comstar5


나이 56
학교Chinese University of Hong Kong
취미Yoga, swimming, jogging, hiking, film, reading
좋아하는 영화Annie Hall, Rosemary's Baby, 2001 Space Odyssey