(Ana P) Teacher profile

Ana P

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    추천 강사:
    - 수업 취소율 1% 미만
    - 한 달에 최소 80회 수업 시행

18 개의 후기

강사의 전체 스케줄을 보려면 로그인하세요. 지금 계정을 등록하면 1 회 무료 레슨을 받을 수 있습니다!

Hello there! I am a psychology student and the way I spend my free time is with hobbies that include photography, art, cooking, watching movies, travelling and spending time with my friends and family. My experience in teaching English is through tutoring my classmates and friends - I love the feeling of helping someone improve their abilities and since this is something I am good at, I like to do exactly that. I've worked with kids for almost a year before and I enjoyed that very much. That experience proved to be a very valuable and helpful one. English (like any other skill) is best learnt through practice and with being persistent you are bound to see results, so that's how I like to engage my students. I dedicate my time and energy fully to every lesson and I will be patient and do my best to engage you during my lessons, so that you master the English language effectively and while having fun! If you would like to learn the Macedonian language I can help you there as well! Hope to hear from you soon! :)

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  • Jinnystar5

    긴장되었는데 친절하고 좋았어요

  • Choi Yongjunstar5

    Ana knows different types of music in the world.

  • qwert12star5

    친절하시고, 피드백도 좋으셨어요! Good!!

  • YJstar5

    처음이라 많이 걱정했는데 너무 친절하게 잘 알려주셔서 좋았어요

  • Jin Hwanstar5

    처음이라서 걱정 많이 했는데 친절하고 듣기 쉽게 천천히 이야기 해주시고 배려해 주셔서 좋았습니다

나이 24
학교International Slavic University "G. R. Derzhavin"
취미Photography, art, cooking
좋아하는 영화Wall-E