(Toby) Teacher profile


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33 개의 후기

강사의 전체 스케줄을 보려면 로그인하세요. 지금 계정을 등록하면 1 회 무료 레슨을 받을 수 있습니다!

I am an avid traveler and I have traveled all over South-East Asia and have experienced all the wonderful sights of this region. When I am not traveling, I will be riding on my motorcycle, reading history, studying 3d animation (I hope to make my own animated videos one day) and practicing embroidery. I have been teaching for years. My first teaching experience was in the Air Force when I taught apprentice technicians how to fix fighter jets. It was then that I discovered a love for teaching. It has made me feel very fulfilled to help people get closer to their goals and to uplift others. This especially applies to teaching English because learning English, or any language for that matter can open up a whole new world to the learner. I started my English teaching career by tutoring recent immigrants to Canada. It was incredibly satisfying to watch the language skills grow and to help them settle into their new Canadian home. I have also helped language learners prepare for IELTS, especially in the speaking and writing portion of the test. My students were very appreciative of having a native speaker assist them with the speaking portion of the exam because I was able to give meaningful and helpful feedback to the students. I also read their essays and discussed with them how they can improve their writing and score higher on the IELTS exam. My favorite part of English teaching, however, is getting to meet new people from many different countries and backgrounds and to learn from them as much as they learn from me. I remember learning about Vietnamese food from one student and about Sri Lankan culture from another. I learned more about the complexities of Iranian culture from another student than if I had read one hundred books. My students are the best part of being an English teacher.

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  • Eunsun Chun (Sunnie)star5

    친절하며 전문적인 선생님입니다! 교재로 수업도 하고 대화도 하며 즐거운 수업시간이었어요!

  • Benstar5

    it was fun

  • Nadiastar5

    he is so nice:)

  • Nadiastar5

    really good:]

  • Amystar5

    Thank you for teaching English to me!! nice class and good your drawing~

나이 32
학교Michigan State University
취미Travel, Reading, 3d animation, Motorcycles, Embroidery
좋아하는 영화The Road to El Dorado