(Jenny) Teacher profile

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강사의 전체 스케줄을 보려면 로그인하세요. 지금 계정을 등록하면 1 회 무료 레슨을 받을 수 있습니다!

Hello there!My name is Jenny.I graduated Bachelor of Science in Biology at Cebu Normal University (top school for teachers). I am taking Master's degree in Public Administration at the same school. I am a license teacher but I did not practice my profession yet since I find it more interesting and challenging to teach English than Biology.I have been teaching English for four years as a volunteer tutor for high school students and two years experience as a private English tutor to Korean,Japanese and Iranian college students. I love teaching because I can also learn something from my students.I see to it that they learned something from me after our class.I love food,travel,music,photography,singing karaoke,vintage things,playing computer games,watching movies and fashion.

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  • Wilsonstar5

    she is awesome~ I hope you are healthy~

  • Ethanstar1

    통신 상태가 좋지 않아, 화상 수업임에도 불구하고 화면을 끄고 음성만으로 진행했습니다. 그마져도 서로 싱크가 안맞아서 수업에 집중하기가 어려웠습니다. 또한 선생님이 굉장히 형식적이고 친절하진 않아서 여러모로 힘든 수업이었네요.

  • Yejinstar5

    A good teacher makes a good student. Jenny must have lots of good students :)

  • Yejinstar5

    Jenny is passionate about teaching. If students are willing to study with her, I believe they would improve their English in a quick way.

  • 7881915e-0289-4f4a-92f2-789449e3cda6star4

    네 괜찮았습니다.

나이 38
학교Cebu Normal University
취미Reading books, listening to music,watching movies,travel
좋아하는 영화Lord of the Rings,Harry Potter,Forest Gump,Count of Monte Cristo,Edward's Scissor Hands,Frankenstein