Cynthia A
7 개의 후기I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry and my hobbies include writing, reading and travelling. In my spare time, I volunteer with a local group in my area, in various communities, where I teach and help the elderly. I have briefly worked with both the government and private sectors (Health and Business) respectively. I became an online tutor because I am passionate about teaching and sharing knowledge with those around me.
- Su
Connection was poor
수업하는 내내 턱괴고 있고 하품하고.. 피곤한건지 성의가 없는건지..수업받는사람 불편하게하네요
- Mateo lee
수업늦게 시작하고, 중간에도 끊겨서 못한 부분은 신경도 안쓰고 대충 수업하다가 시간되니까 수업 끝냄. 불친절함.
- Seoha
she is rude and aggresive. i do not want to take class with her inthe future at all
- Kim uei jin
she is a good teacher she's voice is good
- 1
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국가 | 나이지리아 |
나이 | 33 |
성별 | 여성 |
학교 | University of Abuja, Nigeria |
취미 | Reading books, Writing and Travelling |
좋아하는 영화 | Acrimony |