(Ifeyinwa) Teacher profile

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    추천 강사:
    - 수업 취소율 1% 미만
    - 한 달에 최소 80회 수업 시행

34 개의 후기

강사의 전체 스케줄을 보려면 로그인하세요. 지금 계정을 등록하면 1 회 무료 레슨을 받을 수 있습니다!

I have a Bachelor's degree in English language and also a Proficiency certificate in management. During my spare time, I love to read novels, watch movies and also swim. I worked as a call center agent for Outsource global where I helped pre-qualify claimants for social security benefits to which they might have been entitled to. I became a tutor because I love to impart knowledge and help students develop their skills.

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  • Yeilstar5

    이야기를 잘 들어주시고 차분히 수업 이끌어주세요 좋아요👍

  • aaron leestar5

    나이지리아선생님은 처음이라 궁금했는데, 매우 친절하시고 꼼꼼하게 수업해주셨어요. 곧 다시 만나고 싶어요~~^^

  • Stella Choistar5

    Thanks to Ify, I could pass my English interview :-) I got a job!! Thank you Ify. I want to book your class and tell you sooooon

  • Stella Choistar5

    She is professional teacher, and her class was sooo useful for me ! Thank you Ify !

  • Jiminstar5

    Ify is a very friendly and professional tutor. She asked deep and important questions about the topic so that I could express my thoughts in English. The class was very well organized and I would definitely take another class with her.

나이 29
학교Nasarawa State University, Nigeria
취미Watching movies, swimming, listening to music and bowling
좋아하는 영화Greek, Fresh prince of Bel-air, Friends