(Malu A) Teacher profile

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Malu A

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강사의 전체 스케줄을 보려면 로그인하세요. 지금 계정을 등록하면 1 회 무료 레슨을 받을 수 있습니다!

I enjoy hiking, watching psychological thrillers, reading novels, spending time with my family, dancing, singing, traveling (especially to the beach) and meditating. However, my biggest passion is teaching English. I love meeting and interacting with people from all over the world. I also love sharing my knowledge and helping my students achieve their goals. The smiles on their faces and their expressions of joy are just priceless. In fact, I think these are my most important achievements as a tutor; showing my students everything they are capable of and changing the negative opinion that some of them have about learning English . After having a few classes with me, they realize how useful English is and how easy and fun it is to learn it; it’s just a matter of using the right strategies and practicing them regularly. After more than 5 years of experience as an English teacher, I came to the conclusion that the most effective techniques for learning English are; engaging students in meaningful activities, that is to say, activities based on topics they are truly interested in and activities that have real communicative purposes. For example, introducing their favorite actor or actress, movie, book, singer, band, video game, meal...In addition to meaningful activities, I like using games in my classes. Everybody likes to play, even adults! Games are a fun way to memorize vocabulary and simple or complex grammar structures. I am a very nice, warm and patient person. I am also kind, funny, respectful and tolerant. I see mistakes as opportunities to improve and I always encourage my students to go beyond them in order to reach success.

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  • Dohyestar5

    칭찬 많이 해주셔서 감사해요

  • jooahstar5


  • soostar3

    수업이나 학생에 대한 관심이나 열정이 보이지 않아서 수업 시작하자마자 한 10분간 속으로 그냥 캔슬하고 싶다는 고민을 하다가 어쩔수 없이 이어나갔음. 원하는 토픽을 말하고 그 기사의 주어진 질문에 충실한것은 좋으나 무슨 AI와 질의 응답 하는 느낌이라 별 3개만 드림 참고로 수정같은것은 없음

  • kaystar5

    thank you. very good teacher.

  • Minahstar5

    토론에서 더 나은 표현을 찾아 채팅방에 직접 쳐주시고, 선생님의 의견 또한 들을 수 있어서 좋았습니다!

나이 35
학교University of Antioquia
취미Reading, watching horror films, listening to music, dancing and exercising.
좋아하는 영화The Conjuring