7 개의 후기I have a Bachelor degree in Cooperatives Management. I had experience working in an office as a Supplies Clerk for more than a year. In my free time, I like to travel, see places and take wonderful photos. Aside from that, I like listening to music. I started teaching English online six years ago. Teaching was a great experience and self rewarding especially when students appreciate you for helping them and see them progress.
- Yeon
틀린 문장도 바로 잡아주시고, 리액션도 좋으십니다!
- hui
친절하세요 ㅎ
- Grace
She is a really nice person to talk to. Loved the class.
- Rita
제 말을 듣고 자료를 찾아보면서 적극적으로 호응해주고 격려해주셨습니다. 잘 틀리는 문법 오류도 짚어주셨어요.
- Erin
Thank you for teaching me calmly. The writing on the chat box was very helpful. I think I need to practice English grammar and expression. See you :-D
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국가 | 필리핀 |
나이 | 43 |
성별 | 여성 |
학교 | West Visayas State University |
취미 | traveling, taking photos and listening to music |
좋아하는 영화 | Mamma Mia! |