(Lauraa P) Teacher profile

Lauraa P

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I am a college student. I study English Language and Literature. My interests include sports, music, art, nature and literature. Besides actively playing soccer for a local women's club, I enjoy running, walking, and bike riding. I attended primary musical school where I learned to play the guitar. I love spending my free time in nature with friends and family, and in my alone time, I listen to music and read books as much as I can. In addition to attending college, I have several months of experience in translation of official documents from Serbian language to English and vice-versa.

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    She was eager to teach me English what I want

보스니아 - 헤르체고비나
보스니아 - 헤르체고비나
나이 28
학교University of Banja Luka
취미Playing soccer, reading books, playing the guitar, listening to music
좋아하는 영화P. S. I love you