(Connie P) Teacher profile

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Connie P

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강사의 전체 스케줄을 보려면 로그인하세요. 지금 계정을 등록하면 1 회 무료 레슨을 받을 수 있습니다!

My name is Connie P. I am a bubbly person and fun to talk to. I love travelling, meeting new people and sharing experiences. I have a Bachelor’s degree in banking and I have been working in the bank for more than 3 years. I also have a TESOL certificate and several years of experience as an ESL tutor. I am very passionate about teaching and it gives me joy to see my students’ progress. I like sharing my knowledge with others, but I also enjoy learning from my students. I believe that English is best learned through interactive conversation. I am patient, and I will do my best to create a positive an enjoyable learning environment.

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  • sia leestar5

    너무 너무 너무 좋았어요! it's very great!!!

  • Ji yastar5

    재미나게 수업해주셔서 아이가좋아했어요

  • minyestar5

    아주 좋으셨습니다! 저랑 공통점이 많아서 기분이 좋았어요! 추천!

  • Liostar5

    수업을 재밌게 이끌어 주시고 유쾌하게 진행해 주셨다.

나이 34
학교National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe
취미travelling, singing, cooking, watching movies
좋아하는 영화Avengers the infinity