42 개의 후기I was born and raised in Ontario, Canada. I have worked with many different types of jobs that have taken me to where I am today. I am now living in Bali, Indonesia with my two beautiful boys and my amazing wife. I have traveled all around the world and absolutely love meeting and chatting with new people. My hobbies are body boarding, listening to music, taking amazing pictures and creating short movies. We are all on this Earth together, let's live it to the fullest!
- drs2214
very goooooood!!!!!!!
- yujinkim1003
We were able to talk comfortably and had a fun time!
- skhy.2066570
It was the best of the five lectures I've ever experienced. He is very kind and having a good impression. I really want to see you In lecture. Thanks you for your lesson.
- Minchan
He is so good and answer my question well.
- Minchan
He is nice and answer my question well.
국가 | 캐나다 |
나이 | 39 |
성별 | 남성 |
학교 | East Elgin Secondary School |
취미 | Travelling, photography, cinematography, body boarding, reading |
좋아하는 영화 | Into The Blue |