16 개의 후기My name is Alisdair and I am a Native Englishman, now living on the beautiful Mediterranean Island of Gozo. I studied History at Queen Mary University of London, and have a great passion for the subject. My other passions include Music, Cinema, Cookery and Art. I am extremely amiable, & greatly look forward to helping improve the English skills of the new people that I will meet.
- Yong Cho
유용한 이디엄과 단어를 설명해 주고, 원어민의 생생한 표현을 배울수 있었습니다. 훌륭한 강사님을 강력 추천 합니다.
- hyunhwa
I'm so glad to see you again, Alisdair. And I feel sorry about the reason that you couldn't have a class for a while. I send my energy in this "small postcard" for you to get fully charged. =)
- hyunhwa
I'm so glad to know you, Alisdair. Every class is not only just fun also very helpful. Many thanks for your passionate teaching and advices. Take care and see you soom. =)
- Dina
Alisdair teacher is my cup of tea : ) Thank you !
- kimmmmmm
그냥 완벽해요
국가 | |
나이 | 40 |
성별 | 남성 |
학교 | Queen Mary University, London |
취미 | Music, History, Cinema et al |
좋아하는 영화 | The Big Lebowski |