(Jayz) Teacher profile

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    추천 강사:
    - 수업 취소율 1% 미만
    - 한 달에 최소 80회 수업 시행

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강사의 전체 스케줄을 보려면 로그인하세요. 지금 계정을 등록하면 1 회 무료 레슨을 받을 수 있습니다!

Hi ! I am Jayciel and you can call me Jayz for short. I graduated Bachelor of Science in Nursing. I have been teaching English to foreign students for six years now, that gave me a chance to meet different kind of people. I was an ESL instructor at Brain Power Language Academy for almost six years. I did offline classes , group classes as well as online class. I was trained there to teach special classes like ( TOEFL,IELTS,TOEIC, and OPIC ). Ever since teaching is my passion and love to teach kids as well as adults. I'm a friendly and cool to be with .and I have a lenghty of patience and a hardworking person .and I am good in interpersonal skills in dealing with students.

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  • Alicestar5

    Best ever!

  • KNstar5

    한국말도 잘하시고 재밌어요~^^ 잘 웃어주시고 정말 착해요~ 그림그리기도 많이 해주시고 단어도 친절하게 잘 가르쳐주세요~^^ 또 뵙고 싶어요~ >0<

  • justinstar2

    수업시간에 다른 짓을 너무 많이함

  • dmswl1624star5

    선생님 성격이 너무 좋고 웃으면서 재미있게 수업할 수 있었어요 !

  • clarrissstar1

    수업시간에 딴짓을 많이하시고, 이상한 토이스토리 후후후 이러다가 그냥 끝났네요....,,,,,,

나이 39
학교University of Cebu
취미dancing,listening to music,cooking ,decorating,exercising
좋아하는 영화walking dead ,taken,cs-i series,avengers,vampire diaries ,salt