(Bogddan M) Teacher profile

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Bogddan M

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강사의 전체 스케줄을 보려면 로그인하세요. 지금 계정을 등록하면 1 회 무료 레슨을 받을 수 있습니다!

I am Bogddan and my major is English, of course. Since I was little, I knew English was something I wanted to excel at. I started learning it in third grade, at the age of 7. Other than English, other subjects I enjoy are geography and history. Absolutely love learning about new cultures and meeting different people, because I firmly believe that's what everyone should be about. I would like to be an international teacher or teach at college someday. That would be my long-term goal. My short-term goal is to show the beauty of English language to everyone who's willing to learn it through this great platform.

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  • Yuri Jeongstar5

    He helped me speak in a relaxed atmosphere. Even though it was my first time using video English, he listened to me and allowed me to speak a lot. Thank you. I hope to see you soon!

  • JADEstar5

    너무 친절하세요!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Creditstar5

    친절하게 잘 설명해 주십니다

  • BIO KIMstar5


  • Jaydenstar4

    He listens to my sentences to the end whether it is wrong, and he reacts well. But, I want him to correct one or two sentences I said.

나이 26
학교University of Montenegro
취미Reading, sports, writing
좋아하는 영화The Revenant