(Marko Ma) Teacher profile

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Marko Ma

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9 개의 후기

강사의 전체 스케줄을 보려면 로그인하세요. 지금 계정을 등록하면 1 회 무료 레슨을 받을 수 있습니다!

I am very eager to help people learn English. Although I do not have specific English teaching experience, I have experience working with people that have varying knowledge of English. Among other things I have worked at job fairs roleplaying with young Koreans situations that may come across during their interviews, fixing their CVs and giving them helpful tips how they should behave when they get an interview. During my education I had multiple opportunities to work with people from different cultures and with different degrees of English ability.

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  • Lillystar1

    후기보며 아니겠지 하며 반신반의했는데 정말 이사람은 저한테 안맞나봅니다.. 죄송합니다 어릴때부터 제가 뭔 선생님들을 평가를 하냐라고 늘 생각했던 사람인데 다른걸 다 떠나서 이사람은 영어를 가르치는 데에는 전혀 마음이 없어보여요 .. 이때 들었던 수업을 다시 다른 선생님한테 수업을 들었는데 그때 알고보니 틀리게 말한걸 제대로 고쳐주지 않았었어요 이선생님은 ... 뭐 프리토킹?하려고 하는사람이면 괜찮겠지만 수업으로 듣기는 비추천합니다 참고하세요

  • lukestar1

    이사람은 아니에요 수업하지 마세요 혼자 말하고, 시간을 끌고, 1분 남겨두고 인사했어요 정말 비추입니다

  • Jeongsoo star5

    Really really good teacher!!!!! I recommend him. I really enjoyed the class with him. and I want to have more conversation with him.

  • Jeongsoo star5

    Very very good teacher! He is really kind and very friendly!!! I had awesome class with him. Thank you for teaching teacher marko!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Gong Seung-yeolstar5
