(Chriss) Teacher profile


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강사의 전체 스케줄을 보려면 로그인하세요. 지금 계정을 등록하면 1 회 무료 레슨을 받을 수 있습니다!

Hi, my name is Cristian but you can call me Chris.I am 24 years old and was born in the region of Transylvania, Romania, the birth place of the legend of Dracula. I have recently graduated from university and majored in the English language, and would love to teach others my favourite language besides my own. I love multiculturalism and a chance to converse with people from all over the world, so hope to talk you soon.

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  • Jennystar5

    He revised my English well. He is kind and interesting teacher.

  • Wonstar5

    Chris was attentive on my speaking and how to explain the given phrasal verbs in a proper way. I realized that a 25minutes class can be a valuable time with him.

  • Hailey SHINstar4

    오ㅐ 별점이 높은 선생님인지 알겠다. 다른선생님은 솔직히 많은 학생만날 수록 나태함이 느껴지는분들도 있었는데(실수를 그냥 넘어감 교정을 잡아주지않음)이 분은 계속 체크해주심

  • Loreleistar3

    문법같은거 설명은 잘 해주시는데 질문에 대한 반응이나 웃으면서 말하는 것이 부족해서 조금 어색하고 힘들어요

  • Lee Eunseongstar2

    아는 것인데 굳이 안 가르쳐도 되는 것을 가르치고, 불필요한 일에 시간을 사용했습니다.

나이 34
학교University of Petru Maior
취미Reading books, playing online games, animal lover.
좋아하는 영화Lord of the Rings