(Arjola) Teacher profile

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강사의 전체 스케줄을 보려면 로그인하세요. 지금 계정을 등록하면 1 회 무료 레슨을 받을 수 있습니다!

Hi, my name is Arjola. I am a young girl with a very bubbly and positive personality. I am studying Journalism and Communication and I hope to get my major PR or marketing some time soon. Also I've been learning English since 3rd grade and been teaching it for several years. My joy is to be able to share my experience in English with whoever needs it. I look forward to meeting new students, together we can become fluent English speakers, readers and writers. I am also a great listener and make sure that you are understanding everything right and feeling comfortable during the lesson at all times. I am a firm believer that studying is not meant to be stressful but fun, so I hope to see you in my next lesson. :)

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  • Yuri Jeongstar5

    She helped me to talk in a relaxed atmosphere. We actively talked about topics that I'm interested in, and used various photographs in order to provide vivid and clear description. Thanks a lot!

  • Michaelstar5

    she is so kind and leads me well. I'd like to study with her.

나이 24
학교Faculty of History & Philology – UNIVERSITY OF TIRANA
취미Watching movies, travelling, listening to music
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