(Emacool) Teacher profile

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강사의 전체 스케줄을 보려면 로그인하세요. 지금 계정을 등록하면 1 회 무료 레슨을 받을 수 있습니다!

I hold a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering. I am a teacher in active service with sufficient experience. When I was in elementary school, my English teacher would always refer to me as the boy who speaks English, because I loved the language so much. My love and passion for English resulted in teaching when I got to senior high school. I started teaching those in junior high school how to speak English properly, with a keen interest in pronunciation. I would go to their classes and teach pronunciation and transcription and I would only leave the class when their or my teacher would come around. I was known in my school for this. After leaving high school, I started a home tutoring program, where I went to people's home to teach their kids in the evening when they were back from school. I got hired to teach English in an elementary school and the contract lasted for 4 years. With remuneration from my teaching, I was able to further my education in a higher institution, where I got my Bachelor's degree. It will surprise you to know that I was schooling and working at the same time until I finished my program. After a year of finishing my program, a friend told me about teaching on the internet and I said, wow! this is an avenue for me to help as many people as possible with my wealth of experience. So, finally, I want to say that am excited to be here and am ready to help anyone learn English in a fun environment. Thank you and see you in class.

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  • Jessicastar5

    정말 부담없이, 재밌게 대화할 수 있었어요. 발음도 좋으세요!

  • Hyewonstar5

    유쾌한 선생님이네요 즐거운 수업이었습니다.

나이 31
학교Michael Okpara University of Agriculture
취미Reading books
좋아하는 영화Peter Rabbit