(Kris J) Teacher profile

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Kris J

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강사의 전체 스케줄을 보려면 로그인하세요. 지금 계정을 등록하면 1 회 무료 레슨을 받을 수 있습니다!

Hello, my name is Kris J. I'm a portrait photographer and an online English teacher. I'm living in the United States. I have been an online English teacher for over a year now. Also, I have been a photographer for more than a decade. Photographing everything from dolphins, sports and child/family portraits. I like to spend my free time in the outdoors. I love to go camping, hiking, and kayaking all over the United States. I also like movies, TV shows, and spending a little time playing video games. I am also very interested in learning about other cultures, places, and languages from around the world. I hope to learn from my students as much as they may learn from me. I hope to see you soon in class. Thank you.

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    재미있게 수업을 이끌어 주었습니다.

  • jaystar5

    He is kinldy teaching me. I could have confidence

  • TEEMOstar5

    잘못된 발음 잘지적해주시고 더좋은 문장을 알려주십니다

  • TEEMOstar5

    잘못된 발음 잘지적해주시고 더좋은 문장을 알려주십니다

  • TEEMOstar5

    친절하고 이해가힘들면 천천히 이야기해주심니다

나이 39
학교Full Sail University
취미Hiking, camping, kayaking, photography, movies
좋아하는 영화Pulp Fiction